I spent years taking crappy slides and prints of work - trying to catch it in a good light before it was rushed off to get framed just in time for delivery. I wasted a lot of money developing and spent loads of panicky time shooting work outside or under angle poised lamps before the days of digital photography. It is so important for an artist to keep a professional log of what they create, an archive of their development for future use. I started getting my work professionally scanned about 4 years ago and I have now built a reasonable collection which as my career develops I can use for other purposes and try to make more turn over from each piece of work or at least be able to build a decent website!
I have just had my website updated, just in time for woman's hour, phew! Thanks Phil! What a job it has been - never underestimate how time consuming this work is! It has taken absoluetly hours and hours and theres still more to do....
I had my photograph taken today (for my website and for the BBC website in hope that they will publish it) by a friend called Sim Higginson, a very confident and capable studio chap. Thanks Sim!
This afternoon I have been creating and scanning in some illustration /sketch and design work for a new book I am working on by 'Kirstie Allsopp' which is exciting and I used Bjorn's scanner (Thanks Bjorn!). I managed to have a long chat with him about a self promotional silk screen printed flyer that he is designing to promote his illustration. He is one of the most talented illustrators in Bristol and from Norway .... check out his website ... BjornLie.com.....
So, now you all have the impression that I am totally surrounded by men .... that I am an embroidery diva, mysterious and sultry.
Ok, so I have spent too long on the sewing machine....
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Louise :)