Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Saatchi here I come!

Alright Darlins!  (said in a right proper Cockney accent... apples and pears eh eh eh?)

That artist statement hand out hasn't got very far..... too busy finding that last pack of bells yesterday to sew on to number 5 today.  They ran out of bells in Manchester so I wandered the streets of London yesterday to get some more.... where better to find bells eh?!  
Anyway they are gotted ya and ready to attach. ;) You will be likin me bells I think.

I have three, whoops two, hours to write stuff.  So I wont stay here long... I have to make a strong coffee, some toast and get on with my 'How long do they take you?' melarchy.  Going to Radio London at 12 midday.  I need to put my Radio Face on.

Looking forward to that although listened to it last night and there was ALOT of football on it.  So STITCHIN' will make a fluffy change.

Anyways heres a few photos to brighten up your day.

Details of NUMBER 5

One of the late stu stu studio line nights ..... 

A detail - Number 2

Me and my Mum being staged by my sister who had dressed me up for the occasion

My Sis getting very artistic with the camera with the giggles in my Hydrangea. 

The centre of Number 5


More details.....

Right Radio, Saatchi, Pub.
Have a great day and think of me with my level spirit. 

Lorra lorra.


  1. I'm feeling so excited for you! I watched the Collect video- coolio:) Hope you don't mind but I blogged about it on me little bloggage
    Have fun!!!!

  2. No problem Dotty! Fingers crossed ... Haven't slept a wink ... too anxious!

  3. Hi, I wonder if you'd be interested in displying your work here...
    An independant gallery in sheffield.
    contact nicola@bankstreetarts for more details.



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)