Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Radio Face

I have arrived in London........

It is raining.
BUT everywhere is lush and green and FRESH... Exciting!


Tomorrow I have been asked to go on the Robert Elms Show, BBC Radio London to talk about my work for the exhibition ..... 1pm - 1.25 ish I think IF you fancy a listen ....
I can't wait ... I love being on the radio ... If I could have a dream profession and a fairy were to wave her magic wand ... I would be a radio presenter.  Meet and Chat ... yes yes yes, love it.  I love my radio..... I am never happier than when listening to a good bit of radio and working in my studio.

Robert Elms sounds like an interesting man and has written a book 'A Life in Threads'...
My London pals, arty design types that they are think he is fab... so looking forward to that immensely.

Well... The work has arrived safely in London too and is hopefully either on its way to or already at The Saatchi....  As this is a Crafts Council exhibition I am in charge of hanging it tomorrow afternoon and my wonderful friend Sophie Woodrow, extraordinary ceramicist, is coming to help me.  I haven't seen her for ages as she has been trekking around the world and I have missed her that crazy creative lady so it will be a good afternoon.... we have exhibited together lots and she is also my crazy disco dancing partner so we might do a bit of that in the gallery when its hung.

I have a fantastic hanging system ready to rock and roll prepared for by Super Simon I just need to be precise with my tape measure and my level spirit.  It will be a laugh ... I hope theres no disasters but there are usually a couple of some sort thrown in ... you have to expect them and ride the wave of calm collected nothing is a problem in the big picture kind o' vibe and usually everything is OK.  Mmmm.  Will be glad to see them up on that wall and safe and finished.... I hope they havent got dented in transit and I have to re-stretch the things.


I have a new DRILL and a new Driver charged up and ready to rock and roll those Tumbleweeds out into the gallery .. it will be SO exiting to see them up in that there Daddio of a big fat cool and dreamy space .. up together in a sequence. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 whoo whoo whoo!

THEY ARE FINISHED!!!  I cant believe it.  I haven't seen them together yet .... I have seen them in small groupings but am yet to see if they look like a super sequence and a sexy series. I will let you know what I think.....  I cant wait to see what you think but at the end of the day they are done and I cant worry too much about it anymore.

I have had some good sleeps and feel more human than I did last Friday .... theres been so many little jobs to do and I have yet to prepare my answers to some frequently asked questions and an artists statement  to try and save my voice this weekend.  Theres only so many times you can say how long they took you before you want to bang your head against something hard ..... I know that sounds a bit mean but imagine a looped tape saying

"How long did they take you? How long did they take you? How long did they take you? ........"

Its the most natural question to ask and is quite complimentary really but theres some 11,000 people coming this weekend.

I also need to write my talk for Saturday and I also need to pay for the wine, the framing, the courier, check on the insurance, bla bla bla ...... its an ongoing list.  I have loads of press interest already which is very exciting......

Will keep you posted.

Big Smiles all round.


  1. You really are a super star!!! Hope you have a really fun few days and lots of disco:)

  2. oooh it all sounds so mega exciting. Enjoy your crazy lady dance around the gallery when your pictures are hung!M x



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)