Friday, 4 May 2012

Detailed Temptations....

Lovely light in my little den

So much detail ....

My hands are beginning to look a funny shape.....

Beading Detail.

Work in Progress..

Centre of Piece NUMBER Five 

Detail shots of the final piece to tempt you to the show ... 
To tempt you into my world ... to seduce you into the gorgeounesseseseseses of Embroidery.  
Ya Ya Ya. 

If you like this then  ... you will love COLLECT

My work is finished.  

But in some ways has only just begun...... 

Luiji :)


  1. Wishing you all the very best, and many congrats on the Craft & Design Award - so pleased you won!
    Sad not to be able to go to Collect - can't believe that every single day its on I have to be somewhere else........ I do hope for those of us who admire from afar there will be photos of the pieces on your website, and the video can be seen somewhere. I would certainly like to see them revealed in all their glory.
    Good luck with the show, and I expect you'll come aay even more busy

  2. Tantalising! Oh the colours and the sumptuousness (is that a word?)!
    This might sound banal, but what do you do with all the thread ends? I HATE sewing them in, blagh!

    Seriously- you have done good!!!



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)