Tuesday, 15 May 2012

COLLECT - Project Space 2012

With Thanks to Sophie Broadbridge photography.

More to follow.
Have been hit by a wall of exhaustion.  

In the mean time.... a few people have been asking for these links. 

(Only 15 hours to go on this one.)


  1. Stunning, gorgeous and beautiful. :)

  2. I'm not surprised you are exhausted! The exhibition looks amazing- those pieces are zinging with energy and so beautiful. :)

  3. Hi Louise
    Visited Collect with my husband last weekend and was brilliant to see your work up close. The amazing embroidery and detail blew us away. Was going to say hi, but your family were with you, (I think they were very impressed you hung all the pieces yourself!). Well done for your awards. (I've mentioned your work on my blog this week, hope thats ok).
    Best wishes
    Sally x

  4. Amazing, I love it. Congratulations, it looks fantastic!



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)