Monday, 23 April 2012

Sherry definitely helps.

Sherry, hats and Techno music.

Our View.

3 is trouble!  The press gals and their stitchery witchery.

Me and me new mate Emma.

Hendonis's magical mystery gypsy Lady of the night.

Marjorie's Flowery piece.

Hendonis's stitchy version of Mystic Meg which makes me snort!

Theresa's Prim piece.

Kate's Batty old bean.

Hilary's winking woman.

Sharon's Cocktail Captain.

Some of the crew..... 

Mat our lovely surf dude helper who reckons he is converted to Stitchin! 


  1. Wow- looks like you've all been having fun.
    The stitchy pieces are fantastic- so cool how everyone puts their own personality into their art:)

  2. Another group of (sherry) inspired people!
    Hope you are refreshed for the last lap, can't wait to see the finished series.



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)