Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The lonely tumbleweed...

Well I am now midway through number 4 of the 5 and I have to be honest my energy is wearing thin. 
Its not that I am not enjoying every minute of this project and feel totally immersed in it... even with its ups and downs and my Goshygosh there have been many.  It certainly has been the toughest most challenging thing I have ever done but even as I type that I have little voices in my head saying "its not been that bad ... its better than working in a frozen chicken factory... You don't know you're born... What you like!!? Bloody artist! " etc etc..... 

This is no 4 in progress......  Be patient ... it looks heavy and busy but this is when the embroidery really starts to come into play .... this is when we is getting BUSY with da Stitchin..... 

I am just tired really ... tired of myself more than anything, even of the finished work.  Sometimes I look at it and think how random it is. Its a weird old thing being a creative .... so fickle so fickle fickle yah!!!  

I had a fantastic weekend away two weeks ago and it did me the world of good to get away for two days.  I had the first two photographed whilst I was in Briz by the fabulous R.  I managed to get a new image of number 1 off for the COLLECT catalogue and I saw friends.   I even had a boogie baby which was SUCH A TONIC and went to a good friends 40th which was brilliant!  I saw loads of Bristol friends and was overwhelmed by the hugs and the lovely comments and also gorgeous flattery about my forthcoming exhibition and work in progress.  I really was quite overwhelmed about how many people have been following my project and I almost felt a little embarrassed when friends kept saying again and again how they were going to come to the exhibition and how excited they were.  

BUT it was just what I needed ... some LURVE.  
However I am now absolutely full of a stinking cold.... its one of those little blighters that wont shift.  I am well and truly snotty.  Its crap.  

It is hard to explain how much of a hermit you have to become to engage properly with such an immense project.  It is hard to imagine that I am now nearing the end of Tumbleweed no 4 and there is only one left to go.   I am behind schedule and that makes me panic ... a most unproductive feeling.  But I am doing alright and I did give myself an emergency week but I really need to get finished for the 18th April in order to spot check everything and get to the framers in time.  It's a damn shame that I am teaching a workshop in Cornwall 2 weeks before the show ... smack in the middle of trying to finish off ... BUT it was booked way before COLLECT and I have 12 eager students waiting.   It might seem ill-timed at the moment but I am sure it will give me a break and a rest.   It will be good to see the sea.  I hope the students are kind to me.  


That sunny weather was amazing ... distracting but amazing. 
Through that black slide door on the right is where I spent most of it. 

WIP.  Work In Progress!!!  WIP!  We need an H word in there. 

I have been invited to go see ORBITAL on Thursday ... its the 2nd if my survival nights out. 
Its a shame I am snotty but I intend to douse my cold with dancing and merriment.  Thats the best way ... well that and VODKA always does the trick.

Back to the studio .. I must get Number 4 finished! 

Please follow this collaborative blog for a month and comment where possible .... I have set it up and I think it could be amazing if all the Project Space Artists contribute.  Its ony two days old but the more comments and feedback the better..... who knows where it might lead... the web is a wonderful tool for independent artists.    

I certainly want to know more about their practice and to touch base.  
It would help the stress levels immensely especially when arriving at the Saatchi and knowing no-one. 

Thanks for following me. 

Luiji X


  1. Really interesting to keep up with your progress, looks fascinating.
    Thanks for taking the time to show us.
    Keep going!

  2. THANKS SUE!!!!! Its so nice to hear from you ... its been very quiet out there and I could almost see a tumble weed crossing the blog landscape after I typed! Can you make it to the exhibition? X



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)