Monday, 30 April 2012

The evil of the needle....

Oh My oh My oh My Oh my oh.

My fingers are bleeding.  (very dramatic statement here)

Have done roughly a 16 hour day, it is 2am and I feel like a squashed slug... but getting pretty excited.
An excited slug?  That would be a funny thing.

I am getting there... I can see the light .... there is an END in sight.  I WILL LIVE.
Only 1 day left before I HAVE TO SAY FINISH! And ... get the work to the framers... Its two in the morning I feel like a silver Ford Sierra that has a faded magic tree dangly thing, thread bare tyres, a dented bumper ...  Knackered and done its mileage ... good for nothing.  

But number 5 makes me smile ... its hilarious gregarious and hopefully gorgeous too... I just have to do three neon yellow flower heads, black sequins, beading, sparkly pom poms, the label, and silver shoots .... off the top of my tired head.

Once this ones finished .. its frame time.... 2 days to pop them in their frames ... by Simon the superstar.  Then I will go to the framers and wrap them in all the preordered silver stiffy bags and bubble and cello and card and blow raft wing safety jackets and cotton wool.  THEN Mr D will collect them from the framers and deliver them to The Crafts Council NW1 and then they will store them for a few days and then their courier will take them from the Crafts Council to The Saatchi and by then I will have my head wrapped in a hot towel of exhausation and relief and I wont be able to speak. (yeah right Luiji.)

THEN its Project Presentation.....  ME!!!!!!!!  I look like a bag of spanners.  No one will ever love me again. I am 10 years older and my eyes have disappeared and I have a strange pink rash all over my face,  I have dirty-tubi grips and my legs are weak and underused,  I have dull hair and green teeth and grey ears.  I must get myself in hand and get SAATCHI!!!!  

I am in desperate need of some work.  Never mind the bloody embroidery melarchy,  I need some sparkle, some pompoms and some fancy stitch work.

Hair cut booked, leg wax booked, massage booked ...... I am throwing vitamins down my neck as I type and I have eaten more smoked mackerel than ... erm ... than ... erm ... Oh God knows ....

I need some sleep, I cant wait to get under the duvet and lie flat before my back collapses.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yes.
Goodnight.  Its been good man.


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Louise :)