Friday, 2 March 2012

Preparations and Drawings for COLLECT

Ideas, sketches, scratchy notes and thoughts .. changing all the time...

A montage of inspiration, photographs, beautiful things from Fans and kites 
to electrons, poppy seeds and fireworks.....

Spinning spin spins....

I want the piece to be conceptually strong as well as be being visually striking.  

Preparations of Threads.

Very preliminary drawings ... January.

Ideas... creeping crawling... faster faster ... spinning.... moving flying......

Design no 1 - two weeks drawing....

Making the most of my designers desk from Mr Nash my favourite Bristol man.

Masking Tape ... Glorious Masking Tape.

Tumbling tumbling...

Layering and drawing... fine liner addiction fixes...

Frying my brain .... drawn and drawn again .... progressive designs ... scrapped and rolled and shoved in a corner...... weeks of drawing.. you could say down the pan but even the mistakes get me somewhere. Wow wee this project is a challenge..... for more reasons than one... The interruptions of daily life for starters and trying to keep all aspects of my business going.  

Thank goodness for the occasional glass of wine!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh- it looks amazing already and such a process!



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)