Thursday, 15 December 2011


My studio is based in the old Dairy of our family farm in Cheshire.  
This room housed two large milk tanks 10 years ago where we collected the milk in a milk churn when and as we needed it.  Now it is a cosy den where I spend many hours into the night working to commission and for exhibition.  

The studio has different identities depending on what time of day it is.  Often it's buzzing late at night when the interruptions stop and there is a special atmosphere where I can really focus and make good progress.  Friends often visit the studio and its popular for late night socials.  They talk, I listen, paint and blurt out my point of view.  Its a great place for late night debate and RUM.

Music is essential to the everyday working process.  My collection is eclectic, mostly electronic and loud.  I have a variety of good lights and heaters to keep the room warm, a good range of thermal clothing, wool hats and fingerless gloves, but I am used to being a little chilly in the day time, warm in the evening.  It is a special place where I spend the majority of time alone, it's my place of work, where ideas are realised.  I spend long physical and intense hours stitching and painting.  Its an amazing privilege to be an artist and working in a place packed with Gardiner family farming history of 5 generations.  It is essential for me to have this special place, a place where I can make ideas happen and explore beautiful mediums.  I rcently employed someone for the first time... what a joy to have some company! I am a lucky girl.

Recent Work in Progress.  Late night working. 

View from my table.

View into the studio recently re-jigged to work better.  

Work it Baby.
It worked.  
It works better. 
Work it Baby.
Work it.


  1. What a perfect space. One day I hope I have a space half as nice.

  2. I'd have to agree the studio's a great place to be at late in the evening. Always interesting, never a dull moment!

  3. Jeanette .... I hope you do too!
    I started in my lounge and then took a few risks.... I highly recommend getting a place of your own to work in, leaving the house etc. etc. Its worth sacrificing something else to make it happen. Good Luck!

  4. Tik Tik Boom! Not when you are there there isn't! :)



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)