Thursday, 3 November 2011

Pom Pom Explosion

Jee Whizz!

I have had an amazing day in the studio...... One of those GOLDEN DAYS where ideas and creativity hit you like a bullet explosion of soft pom poms..... again and again until you have colourful pom poms everywhere.

Know what I mean?

I am so totally chuffed with the two designs that I have managed to kick into shape.  Fuck I love it when that happens ..... those rare days where you have no interruption, no one telling you what to do, a glitzy shower of ideas ........ a fantastic studio sesh.

Admittedly I have just participated in three small glasses of wine and there is still half a bottle left.  I thought I should celebrate as I am so pleased that I have mananged to crack this drawing.  Its 150 cm x 120cm..... larger than I anticipated..... need to check that size is ok with my client.  It will probably grow as well ... embroidery always grows.

However I spent the whole day from 11am - 2pm, then 3pm - 10pm, working in my studio and it was a blinder.  Havent had one of those for a while..... the way I used to work really often, when I was in Jamaica Street.  Full time.....late night blinder.  God it was good....  I felt inspired and excited and practical all at the same time.  Often interludes of friends.....
This is a different kind of creativity now ... born of a weird scenario devoid of other artists in a dairy............................. Strange.  But also good.  I miss the Jam St studio but this is just different.  I can cope.

I finished designing The large Dreamy Tree, which I have to say, as I left the studio I looked at it and I was excited.  I also started work on a new Duckling type character..... a new version of 'Disco Duck' or Bonjour Canard' which are shown here somewhere.

Thats where.

Anyway....... I played music really loud.  Bloody amazing music I discovered at a mates house recently.  Big Shout H. Anyway, I did some STA with my NEW camera.  ( New Readers - this is SELF TIMER ART- you need to read a few months back if you can be arsed!  New Zealand Blogs - July August Sept 2011)

STA is a new art form .... it's still not taken on but its only a matter of time eh Kirst?
[Who's Gonna Have a big party on Saturday then eh???? Something worth celebrating I hear.  
I will be there with bells on darlink.  Guernsey here I come! Woop! ) ]

Anyway ... New Camera.... Oh my Goddddd.
I absolutely bashed the juice out of my old camera and it has finally got to the stage where it's more annoying than sentimental.  It takes 4 - 6 sessions of pressing to turn the darn thing on  ..... everything has faded and the buttons no longer function.  Sound Familiar?

I have had it over 5-7 years ... not sure without looking but it was expensive when I bought it and its been around the world with me and I I I, I cant find my baby..... (remember Lisa? ) .... all that STA ..... All those touristy pics..... all those arty farty shots...... THOUSANDS..... MILLIONS...... That camera has been totally BRILLIANT.  I do actually love it and I am going to keep it, maybe frame it,

BUT ..................................................
my new camera is actually really really sexy. I bought it because it was brilliant, brilliant and sexy.  And I have had one sexy time with it tonight.

...... My meaning of Thhhhsexy being fine technology ..... great design, good sounds, cool functions and of course .... great shots. :)

Actually judging by the names of my Bloggerobbajob Followers you are all I reckon either textile embroidery junkies like me....... or old friends that have kids ....... maybe a few more categories.... you are definately all cool coz you follow my blog and I am biased and very flattered.  But I hope you understand the way that some things like sexy cameras can float ones boat occasionally. You know what I am talking about!!!!!   I knew it.

Good technology - love it.  I still don't understand it and I would say I am rather behind with it but still I think it rocks if you use it properly. I like things that I use on a daily basis.  My work is a massive mix up of machine and hand made.  I could not do one without the other.  Mainly hand driven I suppose ...

Oh I have said enough now..... still half a bottle of wine left ...... I might go drink one more glass and get some food.

Lou Pow Pom Pom.

( Hello Helen!!)

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I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)