Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Oh Gosh I am HIGH!

I am so excited.  I have buzzy electric running from ear to ear and I cant stop smiling.
I LOVE feeling excited. ACE.  This is why I do what I do ... most of the time its just damned hard work but yes go on twist my arm SOMETIMES I really do love it.  And when this kind of thing happens I just LURVE it.... Barry White lets boogie.

I have something to bloggerobbajob about finally.

Whoop Whoooooooop!
80% adrenalin and 20% San Miguel and wine.

Today I found out that I have been selected for COLLECT.  

Breath ...


I couldn't actually express myself for an hour after reading it.  
I couldn't believe it was for real.  Call me old fashioned.
I have always thought of this show as a bench mark, a platform, something worth shouting about and applying for, one of those things... places that was up there on the top shelf ... for the big wigs ... for the galleries that know their stuff... for makers/artisans that are dedicated and exciting, contemporary, Big time and serious.  Somewhere I have always dreamed of being represented and a place which can open new avenues and get your work seen.  A place where your work is exhibited next to creative and appreciative BUFFS! People that REALLY appreciate STUFF that is hand crafted, handmade .... loved, created, developed in some kind of ridiculously obsessive way ... somewhere that people really see the creme do la creme of making.  Craftsmanship pop and wap bap ballooba pezazzzzzzz bop.  And until now I have never been selected .... it's a place I have dreamed of showing ... And now I am.  YEEHHAAAHHHHHH!

It's called THE PROJECT SPACE and its at the show COLLECT next May at the Saatchi Gallery, London.  Have a look....


I was rejected last year and this year after some careful deliberation and talking to myself, I decided to give it another go, one more time.  Be resilient and positive.  When I read my application from last year, which I spent hours and hours in the Southern depths of snowy New Zealand compiling, and I thought .. what a pile of rubbish.  I really had written a load of tripe.  I can do better than that I thought to myself ...  and that was the main reason I decided to apply again.  My 2010 application was fuzzy.... self promoting piffle, without substance or content and in retrospect, I wasn't surprised  that I had got the no-no from the Crafts Council.  Although at the time I thought WHAT THE !!!!!   and felt all hurt and despondent and unloved and crappy, like a WOOSEY.  SO .... this year I concentrated on substance....where really am I with this embroidery melarchy??? What am I doing?  What is peoples response to my work and what can I do that is really interesting without trying to be something I am not and something too big for its boots.  What is the thing that I want to portray the most ?  What makes my work what it is ... what is my process and how long have I spent on this?  Bla bLa BlA blA.  How long does it take and what does it involve? What Planet are you you from anyway Louiji?  Whats your favourite colour? 

SO.......  I'm IN! (Run around the room in a very uncool fashion.)  
And now I have to produce the ridiculously ambitious series of works I dreamed up in my application.  Didnt think I would get it so I got a little carried away and dreamt upo a series of 5 huge canvasses.  
This this will be the biggest thing I have ever done other than start jogging.  (Still at it by the way .. have noticed no improvement at all and a mile and a half kills me every time.) This is bigger than the Liberty Lips Genie, for me this is big time, this is gonna test my limits.... This is gonna be the peak of my career and then who knows.... I might do something totally different ..... like start a greasy spoon cafe.  

Like innit oooh ahhhhh eh up guvna give us a pint of lager ......Woop Woop! 

I have 14 commissions to finish.  I have done three and more have come in but I am now saying no as I cannot possibly produce any more work unless I get a factory.  Remember Mike Baldwin on Corry?  I used to watch it at my Nana's with a glass of sherry back in the day..... I thought it was exotic.

I have loads to tell you about some interesting commissions I am working on but for now I am drinking a glass of wine in front of the fire.  Aghhhhh Gratias senoritasssss   ... I am so pleased and excited.

I am redesigning my website and the new workshops will be posted in three weeks ... just in time for Christmas presents........ Website taking long time as so many bits and bobs to do but it will be swish when its finished.  Please be patient.  

CHOW FOR NOW dear bloggerrobbajob followers.  

I have an article in the November / December Craft and Design Magazine.  Thanks Angie!


  1. Congratulations- I'm feeling really excited for you! I think there'll be serious steam coming from your sewing machine!!!

  2. Wow Wow and double Wow Lou! I'm really chuffed for you. Will you be able to post some piccies on your 'bloggerobbajob' of what you've created for the exhibition? Can't wait to see. Chris

  3. Yes I will Chris..... when the time is right. Got a long way to go before then .... Aghhhhhhhh! x



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)