Sunday, 19 June 2011



Welcome no 100. 

I think it might be Abby Illustration....?  Is it you Abby?

Please comment if you are number 100 - Lets hear a bit about you!


  1. Yay! Feel very pleased to be your 100th follower! I've just finished my degree and now hoping to make it as a freelance illustrator - fingers crossed! :)

    Love your work and so happy to have found it!

  2. Hello Louise I found your blog by stumbling around the internet and blogging community. Was very interested in your adventure or misadventure with your new industrial machine. Would love to know what machine your went with eventually? I on the other hand have gone backwards and just purchased an old Bernina 830 record. I have had some tension issues with it but I am getting there slowly. Only do some experimental textile art for the family but I really love it. Your work is amazing please keep blogging. p.s. Would love to attend one of your courses but due to family comittments it is impossible at present, Will keep looking maybe sometime in the future. Regards Jan



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)