Saturday, 14 May 2011

Inspiration is sporadic and surprising...

Based on the daily greetings of me and my Pals dans Francais last year I created a self portrait of sorts... 

We're talking Manchester meets Paris and gives it a big smacker on the noosh (new word alert)  ... only one mind.

I probably feature in most of my work whether it be floral fizzing explosions or buxom lasses in boots.

'Hello Duck' more sophisticatingly titled 'Bonjour Canard!' shown here .... has a certain expression, one which I am still trying to work out myself.  Its an example that I don't really know what characters I am creating during the process and still sometimes at the end am still trying to work out their story.  Or even my story associated with that new character or creature.

Its very strange but I also thought about a friend of mine who I knew was coming to the private view and yes she and her hubby bought it with absolutely no instigation from me.....  It was so interesting to suddenly realise that they loved it and then I kind of realised that I had almost subliminally arranged this piece for them .... and others but they got there first....  It seemed dead right that they loved it and it made me very happy..... 
I love their style and clothes and they have an air of contemporary chic about them so I was completely flattered that they purrrrchased this piece and I then proceeded to get very very drunk.

No seriously .... there was no time for getting drunk ....... Sometimes a sale feels like serendipity ... they are the best ones.... The ones that make IT worth IT.  It is always flattering when people buy your work but SOMETIMES it is super flattering and exciting. Anyway Mr Bonjour Canard puuurchasher is a designer so I also invited myself for supper and asked for a job.  We talked about creating a range...... which is what I want to do....

But for now......

Au Renoir Canard!


  1. Hello Louise, 'Canard' is beautiful - good luck with creating a range!

  2. Fantastic, Louise and congratulations on selling that piece. It would be great to see a range of such designs.

  3. Hi Louise, I just bought one of your cards for my mum and it is beautiful - i love your work and I know she will too! :)



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)