Monday, 14 February 2011

The Labour of Love

Talking of love and passion ...
I am driving to Birkenhead near Liverpool today to do a talk about my work.  Of course it is Valentines day, the day to proclaim your love from the rooftops and sing sweet nothings like the birds tweet tweeting from the trees about Spring, to someone you love.  
The sky is blue and the air is fresh.  Today is gonna be good.  I can feel it.  

I have to pack examples of work into my car and sort the images on my computer ( too many too many).. then chose from the variety of projects that I have done over the years and try to fathom which my audience would most like to hear about.  

Editing ones life... is never easy.  What on earth is the most interesting about my job I ask myself?  Which bits?  What stories?  Which characters?  Can I repeat the same story and sound interesting again? How can I create a new angle on this?  What do people really want to know? What is The Labour of Love?   

Will it be the Wacky Races at Gloucester?  The Birds of Paradise at Bristol PICU hospital, the NICU ward at Bristol, The Kirtsie Allsopp project, Superstitchers or the Liberty Lips Genie....How can I make it interesting and will they fall asleep on the front row?  What do I do if the projector doesn't work and will I find the venue OK...  What should I wear today without looking like a stereotype of an embroideress who likes colour and texture ... should it be the tie dye bell bottoms, the mohair jumper with a silk head band and huge shell earrings or the complete black outfit with the matt red lipstick and a resin necklace...... Aghhh No! 

I have to admit I love public speaking. The more in the audience the better ... its just the way I work... the more people the more atmosphere the more giggles, the more passionate I feel.  I have no idea how many people will be coming today ... Lets see.  
And fingers crossed like mad the projector will work!  

So Happy Valentines dear all.... Sod small Italian restaurants with poxy little tables and pink carnations.  Today speak about something you love.

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I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)