Friday, 7 January 2011

Im back and Im black.


Oh Blimey... here I am ... back in the fold.

I had a fantastic return ... smooth and easy.  Lucky really as I had just missed the UK blanket of disruption over Christmas and when I arrived it was warm wet and mild and Christmas was over.  

I drank through the jet lag and kept ridiculous hours for the first three nights which fitted in with everybody very well over the New Years madness.  It was really lovely to visit my friends (such an arty crowd ya) and catch up.  Gosh I have missed them and its amazing how quickly everything feels back to normal over a pub table.  Life goes on and theres something warm and comforting to know that things don't really change.  

Oh, and then theres hot showers and a bed of my own.... Ohhhhhh merci merci tres bien les enfants.  Last night I stood in the shower until the hot water ran out .... it is a delightful thing.  
As is a china beaker full of hot tea!  

I have already cracked on with plans and work for 2011 and the most exciting thing is the SUPERSTITCHERS workshops and my solo show I am staging at Quarry Bank Mill to open their new gallery space.  What a beautiful and appropriate setting.  

I had a meeting there yesterday and saw the venue for both.  They are fantastic.  The Workshop room is big, warm and full of light so I am very excited about kickstarting the first workshop on the 26th January which is full.  It's wonderful .... people are travelling from as far as BRIGHTON.   BIG UP TO THEM BRAVE FOLK! Anyway... the mill has all the mod cons and I think an all around sound music system so I think we will have to get some disco stitching on the go.  WOOP WOOP!

The exhibition venue is in the museum itself ... its the first room you come to in the mill building (which is massive and impressive)  and generally it's a very beautiful place really, even when it is miserable and rainy .... you can almost imagine wearing clogs and mop caps.... 

Fancy dress workshops!?  Now there's an idea........ I hear a few groans in the distance. Maybe not.

So really ... the blog will definitely be taking on the roll of logging my progress, new work and fandabbydozey workshops of the next coming months.  

I have enroled on a drama course for a laugh and a meditation course ... for a laugh? Something like that.  So I can blog about those too!  Theres a few big commissions I will be working on so I will certainly blog my progress on those.   Hells bells ... its been a while.... I hope that I can still DO IT!  
Put it this way ... its head down for the next few months and I need and want to make the best work OF MY LIFE .... no pressure ... I have at least 10 new pieces to create and I have some ambitious ideas.  
Oh yeah baby.

I would love to write about a corrupt life as a lusty stitchin wench but one must remain professional!  
But put it this way ... I have moved to a new city and have a blank slate so its all very exciting.  

Its my birthday tomorrow.  Nothing fancy.  Fellow Capricornoninans will sympathise with me here but ... lets face it ... its never been a good time to have a birthday when everybody cant stand the sight of alcohol and doesn't want to step outdoors.  But Hell so what... I can! 
The fizz is in the fridge and I am cooking.

First on the menu  -

Kiwi Rolls  - dedicated to A in The Corrumandel
Capers wrapped in cheesy pastry and baked..... Again thanks to A.
Devils on horseback - Prunes wrapped in smokey bacon
Olive tuppence - if I can dig out my old magi mix
Sausages with honey and mysteried

Then -
My Famous Fish Soup/ goulash stuff!  
Which I have just stirred in a huge cauldron and it is, even though I say it myself the perfect winter warmer.  Booackasha! Whoop!  The recipe is on the blog somewhere on this blog if you want to try it ... but if you do try.... COOK WITH YOUR HEART!

I just want to say HI to the lovely ladies in NZ ... I miss the place. So Happy New Year to you all. XXX

ANYWAYS....I must get on as I have the family coming around tomorrow for some ten pin bowling and then a boozy feast.  

So Up ya Bum Everybody!  

Lou Foo La Lou


1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, Lou! Hope you had a great birthday. Looking forward to your English exploits.



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)