Friday, 19 November 2010

5 seconds of fame!

Its the 10 day count down to being famous for 5!

30th November ... 
Episode 5 ... 
Kirstie's Homemade Home ... 
Channel 4 ....
Lou Gardinelly teaches Kirstie how to draw with a sewing machine.  
Have probably been edited out of most of it but if you see Kirstie Allsopp driving a sewing machine like the clappers.... well, yours truly was the one cracking the whip.

If you watch it let me know as I can't and would love your feedback.

Should be a laugh ... not sure in what kind of way ... possibly embarrassing possibly funny...

I just hope they haven't edited out the bit where K says 

'Machine Embroidery is the crack cocaine of the craft world!'

Hopefully that will go down in embroidery history.



  1. Just tried to email you but it bounced back. Thought I should let you know! Would love to feature your work on my blog and wanted to see if I could use your images? Came across your work yesterday at Bristol Childrens Hospital. Long story - see my blog! Will def try and watch you on TV!!

  2. Looking forward to seeing it. I am usually out on Tuesday so have been recording it.

  3. Hi there Louise, I've been intrigued by the small snippet preview of this episode since it started, and have finally found out who you are and can't wait for that episode too!

    I hope your trip is going well, and I just have to say that I adore your style and humour!! I'll be coming back to your Blog and website for more inspiration.

    I'm only new to this freestyle embroidery idea, and would like to get more confident in doing it myself, I have the ideas, but lack the expertise at the moment!

    Take care,
    Jane :D

  4. Well..I've just been deriding the fact that we are going to be shown Machine embroidery by an estate agent, on my blog, and someone has sent me its set my mind at rest. Phew. At least she'll be in good hands. I hope you get your two pennorth in.(but you're already famous in my world)

  5. Looking forward to the episode heard her comment about it being the best fun she'd ever had hope it airs well, will be watching

  6. Louise I just watched Kirstie's Homemade Home and saw you on it, and think you and your work are wonderful! It's the first time I have seen this kind of embroidery and I am off to my local sewing shop in the morning to buy supplies and get cracking on some myself! Thank you for the inspiration and I think you should be proud of your TV appearance :)
    Charlie x

  7. Just saw the episode on aussie tellie - had to look you up as I've been obsessed with finding out more ever since! I love your work and copied the teapot design you did with Kirstie - I was quite impressed with my effort as I'm quite a non-sewer. Thankyou for your inspiration - your work is amazing!

  8. PLEASE PLEASE PlEASE,look at my site I started freestyle embroidery 6mth ago and now i have my own site and designs would love some help from you please thankyou Nicola

  9. Okay, it's now October 2012 and I've stumbled across your blog. I LOVED that episode of the Kirsty Allsop show. I'm not a great sewer and can barely use a machine, can you tell me - do you need to have a special machine or foor for a regular machine??? As I said, not a sere (more into papercraft) so wouldn't want anything more than the most basic machine to use. Grateful for your feedback



I love to hear your comments and thanks for looking at my bloggerobbajob.

Louise :)